Sod Lawn Install

Daniel's Landscaping

When starting a lawn from scratch, sod installation can provide a lush green lawn very quickly. The alternative option is to lay down seed directly in the dirt and wait for it to grow, which is why one of the main appeals of sod is that there is very little waiting involved comparatively. Installing a sod lawn should be a consideration for anyone needing a new lawn renovation or restoration.

Benefits of a Sod Lawn

Sod prevents the erosion of precious topsoil in lawn areas that are sloped or hilly. It is an immediate solution to rain runoff and other drainage problems common in bare soil.

The new turf has no weeds because it is professionally grown. Not only that, the density of the sod discourages weed seed germination, minimizing the need to use herbicides in the future.

Installing a Sod Lawn

Every home owner wants a beautiful green lawn. Not only does an attractive lawn give a home great curb appeal, a healthy lawn is also part of the charm of what makes a house a home. Installing a sod lawn has several advantages over growing grass seed. A sod lawn is healthier because it is grown professionally. Sod enjoys the best soil, regular fertilization, and generous watering for strong root development, which give it a strong foundation for a beautiful green lawn for years to come.